In the 62nd installment of TFYLP, Weirdwolf, Plasticon, Natsume Ryu, and Guard Convoy discuss the “Masters” lines in Generation 1 (Headmasters, Powermasters, Targetmasters, etc), their importance, and their impact on figures and characters today.
Programming note: TFYLP will not be recording this week, but will return next week.
perfect timing
Hope everything is ok Duron.
My fiancé is going to be okay, but I must say that night was long and scary. My absence from the show the next few weeks are related to our wedding, not medical, however I will still be here and on the forum from time to time.
Thats good
Wow I’m really missing a lot when I don’t watch on YouTube, but I don’t think I’m suppose to watch and drive at the same time
One other thing the brave character is it “death Gary gun” or did I miss hear?
Programming note: TFYLP will not be recording this week, but will return next week.
perfect timing
Hope everything is ok Duron.
My fiancé is going to be okay, but I must say that night was long and scary. My absence from the show the next few weeks are related to our wedding, not medical, however I will still be here and on the forum from time to time.
Thats good
Wow I’m really missing a lot when I don’t watch on YouTube, but I don’t think I’m suppose to watch and drive at the same time
One other thing the brave character is it “death Gary gun” or did I miss hear?
Yes, DeathGarryGun, redeco of Japanese G1 Sky Garry from Zone.
Glorious, I need watch this brave