Plasticons coming after you like the Terminator, I can hear the ‘DUN DUN DUN…. DUN DUN’ Terminator music from here.
Prime Airachnid, character is great, Toy…….. ehhhhhhhhhh. At least it doesn’t make me rather watch Foodfight so that’s something.
Just to correct you guys, I’m making myself a nerd. Airachnid in her wave came with Shadow Strike Bumblebee and Dead End, also it was Wave 4.
I LOOOOOOOOVE Shockwave…… I may have to create some destruction in a large overdone amount of rage, excuse me (GODZILLA ROAR WITH ATOMIC BREATH)
Plasticons coming after you like the Terminator, I can hear the ‘DUN DUN DUN…. DUN DUN’ Terminator music from here.
Wheeljack: “Look Optimus, I made a Frisbee for Cybertronians” (Frisbee blows up)
Prime Airachnid, character is great, Toy…….. ehhhhhhhhhh. At least it doesn’t make me rather watch Foodfight so that’s something.
Also disappointed in Prime Beast Hunters Commander Class Bludgeon, however, he’s not in anything.
Just to correct you guys, I’m making myself a nerd. Airachnid in her wave came with Shadow Strike Bumblebee and Dead End, also it was Wave 4.
I LOOOOOOOOVE Shockwave…… I may have to create some destruction in a large overdone amount of rage, excuse me (GODZILLA ROAR WITH ATOMIC BREATH)
I gotta say, Universe Classics 2.0 Hound needs Pelvic Thrust Articulation.
Only Hot Shot I got is Prime, but I wanted the Cybertron for the longest time.
Better then Shadow Command Megatron for $800
Question if you can, what figure did you like that others seemed to hate?
The new guy has to be the swallower. IT’S IN THE CONTRACT.
Happy Birthday Chad’s Mom, try to forget that night in New Jersey.
I signed no such contract! Lol
Don’t you remember, you signed it with your blood.
Things did get hazy there for a few minutes after Duron offered me a “special drink”…