25 thoughts on “TFYLP-Episode 219-Selling Regrets & Piecing Stuff Together

  1. when I first started collecting I would piece together all my G1 figures. I found it was always more expensive than purchasing a complete figure. Although its far more rewarding knowing that you are adding to number of complete transformers in existence.

  2. I related to what Don said about selling stuff you’ll never be able to get back. I sold my Botcon 06 Megatron last year to help pay for my real-life ROTF Jolt (an actual Chevy Volt). It was a hard decision because I’ll never pay what it would take to get it back, but I’ve been ok with my decision for over a year.

  3. We need a lab where you send in a shaving from the missile and we can do a ful spectrographic test on the missile color as well as a full chemical breakdown of the mixture in the plastic.

  4. Watching after the live broadcast. Good discussion. This summer, I found a G1 Slapdash at a flea market and it took me a short while to find all the bits to piece together. The thrill of finding the figure and building it makes it a personally fulfilling addition to my collection.

  5. Pieced together 99% of my US g1 collection, paid probably 50% of value on it as a whole. Pieced together a victory Leo from just the body, same with black zarak, roadfire, some parts for grandus, etc. Never paid over eBay prices for anything, $32 mib snapdragon, $600 mib black zarak, $27 springer, etc etc etc

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