TFYLP Classic Episode 56-Hiatus Return TFYLP returns from its 2013 hiatus, Duron explains why; with John James & Natsume Ryu. Originally broadcast July 26, 2013.
TFYLP Classic Episode 52-Airachnid Issues & More Duron, Michael, Greg, & Natsume talk about Transformers Prime Airachnid and issues, BotCon remolds, and more!
TFYLP-Episode 261-The Animated Phenomenon Duron, Rik, & Don talk about recent news regarding Hascon, plus a look at what made Transformers Animated (2008) so special.
TFYLP-Episode 261-The Animated Phenomenon The cast talks about what made Transformers Animated so special.
TFYLP Classic-Episode 51-FoC G2 Bruticus and More Duron, Greg, Natsume, & John talk about Foc G2 Bruticus, Fun Pub TFCC Magazine, and more.
TFYLP-Episode 260-Ebb and Flow Duron, Sergio, Jack, & Rik talk about becoming overwhelmed with collecting and learning to be happy with a smaller collection.
TFYLP-Episode 260-Ebb and Flow Duron, Sergio, Jack, and Rik talk about being overwhelmed when collecting and being happy with a smaller collection.
TFYLP-Episode 259-The Success & Failure of Beast Wars Duron, Michael, Tobias, and Jim talk about what made Beast Wars succeed, and what made it fail.
TFYLP Classic-Episode 49-Reissue Fort Max, MP Nemesis Prime, Transformers Prime Discussion Duron, Natsume, Greg, Michael, & John talk about reissue Fort Max, Masterpiece Nemesis Prime, and an episode of Transformers Prime in this “Classic” edition of TFYLP.
TFYLP-Episode 259-Success & Failure of Beast Wars Duron, Michael, Tobias, & Jim talk about things that Beast Wars did right… and what they did wrong.