TFYLP-Episode 316-For Fans So Loved the Media They Bought the Toys We talk about whether or not the media is good, does it matter if the toys are bad, and vice versa.
TFYLP-Episode 315-DIVERSITY AND SMALLER THINGS We look at the diverse lines of Transformers, and the transition to smaller format toys.
TFYLP-Episode 314-SPECIAL GUEST COLIN DOUGLAS OF TFCON Colin Douglas, organizer of TFCon drops by to chat with us about the convention, and we talk a little about reissues, quality, and more.
TFYLP-Episode 312-The Big Broadcast of 2018 TFYLP’s biggest podcast of the year, with a Secret Santa gift exchange among the cast, plus some very special surprise guests!
TFYLP-Episode 311-2018 Year in Review The cast talks about the year 2018 in review from a toy standpoint.
TFYLP-Episode 310-Hitting or Missing with Accuracy The cast looks at accuracy to media within Transformers toys.
TFYLP-Episode-309-It’s How Much? Lucas and Rik fill in for Duron as hosts and talk about the sticker shock of MP44.
TFYLP-Episode 307-Don’t Damage My Battle Damage The cast looks at whether or not removing Battle Damage or altering your toys in other ways is considered defacing your toys.
TFYLP-Episode 306-Post-TFCon Chicago 2018 Discussion Rik Alvarez, Duron, Robert, Lucas, and new cast member Paul Friemel talk about their experiences and what they got at TFCon Chicago 2018 and more.
TFYLP-Episode 305S-TFCon Chicago 2018 Rik Alvarez Panel Special Supplementary edition of TFYLP, this is Rik Alvarez’s panel from TFCon Chicago 2018.